The Way of Jesus

Our life of faith is all about moving along the way of Jesus. This website is all about helping each other get “from here to there” along that way. Following Jesus develops like all human development. We see ourselves moving from earth to wind to fire to water in an ongoing, organic process of receiving and enjoying our new, true selves in Jesus.

If you are considering faith in Jesus or a new follower of Jesus, start in Earth. If you are new to Circle of Hope, you probably want to start in Wind. But everyone will find something for their journey in every section. God bless you all along the way!


Plant seeds and establish roots

Explore the basics of following Jesus.

Journey here to connect with Jesus—maybe for the first time. You will find resources that explore how Jesus followers think and feel, the Bible, and other encouragement for healing and spiritual renewal. You will also find out how unbelievers or new believers fit into our cells, Sunday Meetings and teams.


Catch the Spirit and sail

Take the next steps of faith and being part of the body.

Journey here to take next steps in following Jesus. You will find resources that explore prayer and life in the Spirit, You will find out more about what life is like as a member of a cell, and open worshiper on Sundays, a valued member of the team and a covenant partner with others who make up Circle of Hope.


Receive what you’ve been given and make a difference

Learn to think, feel, and act as your best self.

Journey here to forge more tools for action. You will find resources for developing your unique role in the community and our mission as well as resources that inform your thinking about our unique church. This is a place to imagine how you give what you have been given.


Swim free in an ocean of grace and supply living water

Develop the disciplines and structures of life in the Spirit as a missional community.

Journey here to deepen your capacity to live as an agent of transformation. You will find resources for prayer, for deepening your understanding, and for taking your place in making new people, in a new church for a new world. This is a place to imagine all the ways we can help the world move from here to there in faith, starting with Circle of Hope.